Music Player

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Real Me

The real me, 
I'm living my life the best I can.
Sometimes I'm happy.
Sometimes I'm the smart ass.
Sometimes I'm overwhelmed.
Sometimes I'm angry.
Sometimes I'm upset.
Sometimes I'm flustered.
Sometimes I'm not the smile I front.
No reason to worry about my past.
No reason to worry about my future.
It is the here and now.
And when I'm down and out I write. 
To bear the light in my soul so bright,
I got to keep it strong.
When I get burnt I need ice,
And this is my device
It heals.
Its my window into a world that as I will it, I make it.
In my fantasy, it is the love I need.
Its healing powers are beyond the greatest divinity.

I wish I was better at telling the world how I feel.

I must use complicated similes and things that don't make sense.
It is my angel whisper in the night.

I don't make it so public, my thoughts to myself.
It is the stars held above my head so high.
It is to keep me alive.

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